Top 3 Best Kratom Strains for Pain

August 10, 2020

Around the world, billions of people are suffering from different kinds of chronic pain.

So many are on pain medications. It can be overwhelming to see and hear the long list of possible side effects that are far worse than the actual chronic pain you’re already dealing with.  

This is why so many people are turning to natural herbal supplements and remedies for their pain relief fix.

Thanks to the online world, we are able to buy kratom online with the click of button! We’re going to look at the three best kratom strains for pain relief to various chronic pain and inflammation you may be dealing with: Red Bali Kratom, Red Borneo, and Red Maeng Da.

3 Red Strains for Pain

There are four different color strains of kratom that have similar properties, but they differ in the intensity of their effects.

White strains are usually for energy, green strains are a mix of pain relieving and energy, yellow strains are great for energy as well and focus, and red strains are usually most effective for pain relief.

The reason they are so great for pain is because of the various alkaloids contained in the kratom leaf which bind to brain receptors and numb pain. It also releases endorphins that allow you to feel good mentally and physically. Let’s to a look the three top choices for pain relaxation:

Red Bali

Red Vein Bali Kratom is a great pain suppressant. This strain contains a high amount of 7-hydroxymitragynine. It allows for relaxation and in return can aid in lowering your pain intensity. It is great for people with more minor injuries, bone-related aches, and much more.

The only downside to this kratom is that it has a sedative effect that many users claim to experience, so you can use take Red Bali before bed or before a nap.

Red Borneo

Another great option is Red Vein Bali Kratom. This one is actually considered to be slightly stronger than Red Bali and it does have similar effects to Red Bali. This one is great for more mild types of pain, and it has long-lasting effects. It is also amazing at relieving joint pain. This one also relaxes you so you can take a smaller dosage to decrease its sedative effects.

Red Maeng Da

One of the most popular kratom strains out there is Red Maeng Da. It is known to be super effective at managing pain. It has super high concentrations of pain-relieving alkaloids. Its widely used by those who suffer from chronic pain from arthritis, osteoporosis, lower back pain, and so much more. People also enjoy its euphoric effects that are usually felt at higher dosages. It is overall a super popular choice amongst the kratom community.

How can I use these kratom strains?

The cool thing about kratom is that there’s different ways you can consume it. Traditionally, people drink the powdered tea form. I will say it has an unpleasant taste, but it does its job.

You can also purchase it in capsule form for those who can’t stand the taste of the powdered form.

Although you can put the powder in protein shakes and other drinks, you’re more likely to feel its full effects on an empty stomach.

If you’re prone to getting nauseas from drinking liquids on an completely empty stomach, you can eat a light meal or snack about 1-2 hours before and after you take it, and still feel the amazing pain-reducing benefits!

Beginners can start off by taking 1-2 dosages and add more depending on its effects on you. For more severe pain you can take much higher dosages, about 4-6 grams, and then up the grams if needed. Its best to not exceed 10 grams as it can cause side effects.


Now that you have the top 3 choices for pain-relieving kratom, check out the online vendors! You don’t want to miss out on the amazing effects it has on pain. The best part is its all natural.

Remember to start off with a low dosage if you’re new to kratom, and make sure you pay attention to your body’s reaction if you plan on taking higher dosages.

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