Labor Day 2021 quotes, wishes, pictures, photos and images

April 25, 2019

Labor Day 2021 quotes, wishes, pictures, photos and images / On first May Labour Day is celebrated in many countries of the world. In the United States of America Labor Day is celebrated on the first Monday in September. In India Labour day is celebrated in the honor of working people. In India, the labour kisan party launched it on May1, 1923 in Madras. International Labor Day is also called International Employee Day and May Day. Labor Day is celebrated in the honor of working people in India.

What Happen on Labor Day
Firstly Labor Day was started in Chicago on May1,1886. On the day, the US Trade Union Association member was fighting for their rights. The laborers demanded that their duration of work is 8 hours and in the week they also want getting one day leave. During the worker’s strike, there was a bomb blast in Chicago’s Haymarket. In this, many workers were killed and more than 100 people were injured. In 1889, it was announced at the International Socialist Conference that in memory of the innocent workers killed in the Haymarket, on May1, the memory of the international workers will be celebrated.

Inspiring Labor Day Quotes
1. A human being is not paid money for having a head or hands but for using them.
2. Your hard work and your work dedication have helped to build the strong nation may you have a great time ahead.
3. Without labour nothing prospers.
4. The Miracle is not that we do this type of work but that we are happy to do it.
5. Work is Worship.

Labour Day Wishes
1. Wish you success, prosperity and joy in everything you do. Happy Labour Day.
2. Wishes for a safe and Happy Working Day.
3. You actually deserve a shining celebration on this special day. Have a great Employee Day.
4. Have a labor day sizzling with fun, friends and laughter. Happy Labor Day.
5. You have worked too hard from morning till night, now it’s time to chill out.

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