All you need to know about one day lenses

April 27, 2019

Whether they are coloured contact lenses or regular lenses, use of contact lenses has risen in recent times and there is a good reason for that! As opposed to wearing glasses, using contact lenses is far more convenient.
If you are thinking of using contact lenses for the first time, then you might get confused as there is a lot to choose from! From one-day or daily wear lenses to disposable lenses to colored and powered lenses; you need to do your homework and decide on the type of lenses you want to use.
If you have a hectic work schedule, then one-day lenses are all that you need. Here we share how you can make the right choice by choosing one day lenses!

Get Your Facts Straight!

As already mentioned, there is a lot of choice when it comes to selecting the lenses that work for you. If you have decided to use one-day lenses, then the first thing you need to do is to get your facts straight.
There are two types of lenses available in the market: daily wear and daily disposable and it is best that you should know the difference between the two.
Daily wear lenses should be taken out before going to bed as they are not approved by FDA to be worn overnight. On the other hand, as the name clearly indicates, daily disposable lenses are to be disposed off on a daily basis.

One-day Wear Lenses and Regular Lenses

One-day wear lenses were introduced in the market in 1995 and there has been no looking back ever since. It has always been well-known that lenses require regular upkeep to ensure that your eyes stay healthy and infection-free.
As far as regular lenses are concerned, they are far more expensive and it is not easy to discard them frequently, leading to the use of various cleaning and disinfecting solutions to maintain them.
On the other hand, one-day wear lenses are high-quality lenses that are manufactured from the same material as regular lenses but at a lower cost price. This means that they can be disposed off on a daily basis without the hassle of cleaning or disinfecting the lenses everyday.

One-day Wear Lenses: Comfort and Health

While there are extended-wear lenses that can be worn for a few days in a row without the hassle of daily lens cleaning, they are not suitable for everyone. Wearing lenses overnight is generally not recommended and it can trigger eye problems in vulnerable individuals.
Daily-wear lenses are well-suited to the needs of just about everyone. They offer the best of both the worlds: comfort and health! Comfort and convenience because no cleaning is required and health is promoted because there is no accumulation of daily lens deposits.
This ensures that your eyes stay healthy and free from any infections.

One-day Wear Lenses and Your Budget

Whether you are wearing coloured contact lenses or regular lenses, if you opt for daily-wear lenses, rest assured it will not be hard on your pocket. Though it may seem costly, considering that you’d be needing lenses on a daily basis, this is not the case.
Comparing the cost price and the maintenance cost of both the lenses, it has been seen that the total cost price of daily-wear lenses actually offsets the cost price of all the cleaning solutions and devices you won’t need.
Furthermore, the cost price of daily-wear lenses varies from brand to brand and the lens material. Daily-wear lenses that are made up of silicone hydrogel are costly as compared to daily-wear lenses made up of other materials. So it all depends on what you choose and how much you are willing to spend!

A Few Benefits of Using Daily-wear Lenses

If you are still confused about using daily-wear lenses, we have compiled a list of a few benefits of using daily-wear lenses which will surely convince you!

  • With daily-wear lenses, you are free from any hassle of cleaning your lenses every day. All you need to do is to toss them out before going to bed and you are good to go!
  • You don’t need a calendar to remind you every few days or weeks to replace your lenses. With one-day wear lenses, you dispose them off at night and use a fresh pair in the morning.
  • One-day wear lenses prevent any accumulation of lens deposits and may even help you if you are vulnerable to eye allergies and infections. A smooth and fresh pair of lens is gentle on the eye and prevents any irritation.
  • One-day wear lenses help save time. They not only cut out the daily cleaning time but if you are travelling, all you need to carry is your pack of lenses without carrying all the lens solutions!

One-day Lenses are the Best Way to Keep Your Eyes Safe and Healthy While Wearing Contacts Lenses!

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