Why You Should Choose Vegan Fashion

October 9, 2020

Every few months, new clothes and accessories are introduced in the market as designers attempt to stay ahead of the competition. The practice works to the benefit of the consumers since they are afforded a wide selection of high-end products. 

The practice also works to the advantage of those without the financial power to buy the best designer clothes and accessories. This is because fast fashion results in items that are a few months old been considered as outdated. 

However, when going out shopping you should not be carried away by the trend, thereby buying clothes and accessories without considering how they were made. Instead, you should choose a vegan fashion, and here are the reasons. 

No Animal Cruelty 

The clothing industry plays a significant role in promoting animal cruelty. Every day, thousands of animals are killed for leather, wool, and fur. 

The process of obtaining the raw materials results in animal suffering since they have to undergo pain and even torture in the slaughterhouse. The materials are then used to make a wide range of products that include shoes, coats, and handbags.   

Vegan fashion ensures that the same clothing items and accessories are available to you but without encouraging animal exploitation. This is because the raw materials used are derived from plants, and no animal product is used during the manufacturing process. 

Therefore, choose vegan fashion if you don’t want to promote animal suffering in the name of fashion. 

Vegan Fashion is Sustainable 

There is a misconception that vegan fashion is not sustainable. This is one of the reasons why many people choose clothes and accessories derived from animals and synthetic materials. However, vegan products are sustainable for various reasons.  

First, the plants used to produce the raw materials used to make can be planted again after harvesting. The practice prevents the destruction of the environment, which would be the case if the plants were cut down and the land left bare. 

Second, plants do not have a damaging effect on the environment. Instead, they lead to a more habitable planet, where they hold the soil and produce oxygen needed by people and animals. However, animal agriculture leads to the destruction of the environment. It contributes to an increase in the number of greenhouse gases responsible for global warming and climate change.

Third, vegan clothing products do not require a wide range of artificial chemicals to give them the desired look. This helps protect the environment by reducing the number of harmful chemicals that end in water catchment areas and the atmosphere. 

On the contrary, animal products require a lot of chemicals that are used to preserve the materials, eliminate bad odor, and give it a flashy look.   

A Wide Selection of Products  

The number of vegan clothing and accessories was limited a few years ago. A large percentage of the products were derived from animals, which was a problem for vegans. 

However, times have changed as designers have become more creative and innovative as they attempt to capture the vegan customer base. This has resulted in an increased vegan clothing that you can find in a store near you. Vegan clothing that includes vegan shoes, bags, sweaters, and coats. 

The wide selection means that you can wear vegan from top to bottom. Therefore, you no longer need to mix vegan clothing with animal-based products for you to stand out. 

In conclusion, you should choose the vegan fashion for three main reasons. First, it does not encourage animal cruelty. Second, it is more sustainable thanks to the improvement been made each day. Finally, vegan fashion offers a wide selection of clothes and accessories. Click here to learn more about vegan clothing available in the market.    

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