Why You Need to Put Your Mental Health First

October 15, 2020
According to the World HealthOrganization (WHO), a whopping 450 million people currently suffer with a mental health disorder.

To put that into perspective, that means that roughly 1 in 4 people will deal with some form of mental health issue or neurological disorder in their lifetime.

Even more shockingly, the WHO estimates that two-thirds of people with mental health issues actively avoid seeking help or treatment.

Why is this?

Arguably it’s a combination of a lack of education around mental health issues, concerns about the cost of healthcare, and, even now, the stigma that is still associated with health problems such as depression, anxiety, and bipolar. That being said, there is always help available for people that need it.

Still not convinced that mental health is important?

Let’s take a closer look at why you need to put your mental health first.

Everyone is vulnerable to mental health issues

Just because you are not currently suffering with a mental health disorder or don’t believe yourself to be, that doesn’t necessarily mean that you won’t in the future. There are so many occurrences that could happen in your life that might trigger a mental health problem, from a traumatic event such as a death, an abusive relationship, to even just increased stress during your studies or at work.

This is why it so crucial that you prioritize your mental health now so that you have the techniques and support in place to deal with any difficulties or challenges in the future.

If you already feel that you are struggling with your mental health, you should seek help sooner rather than later from a professional mental health treatment center. Who specializes in helping young people overcome their mental health and addiction struggles, you can put your mental health first. Don’t let your mental health impact your life any longer and come out stronger than ever before.

Your mental and physical health are intrinsically linked

If you think that you can care for your physical health while at the same time ignore your mental wellbeing, then you are sadly mistaken. In fact, it is virtually impossible to be physically healthy if you are struggling with your mental health.

First and foremost, you may think that stress and anxiety are purely mental issues. However, both of these mental strains can also have a negative effect on your body.

From high bloodpressure to a weak immune system, problems with your digestive health to feelings of nausea and lightheadedness, stress and anxiety can lead to a whole host of physical problems.

You cannot care for others without caring for yourself

If you think that you don’t have time to look after your mental health, either because you have children to look after or you are too busy with other aspects of your life, you should know that without good mental health, you cannot hope to carryout daily tasks effectively.

In fact, you may not realize this, but mental health affects everything, from how you think, how you act, to how you relate to others, and even the choices you make.

Therefore, if you are struggling with your mental health, you owe it both to yourself and to others around you to be open with your issues and to seek help when needed.

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