Treat yourself to the magic of Bath Rituals

August 22, 2014

Bath rituals are a great way to incorporate the divine into your everyday life. They are luxurious and offer a great way to de-stress and relax as well. The headiness of ritual is combined with the seductive relaxation of luxury, resulting in an unbeatable combination. Principles of herbology, aromatherapy, Ayurveda, and all the natural sciences in the world are used in ritual baths to produce an inimitable experience. The baths are great for the body as well because of the various detoxification and purification aspects involved.

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Treat yourself to the magic of Bath Rituals

In today’s world, most people do not have time for something like a ritual bath. This is because ritual baths are viewed as something long and cumbersome. Others think of them as an expensive proposition, which dyers them from looking into the matter further. However, like the myriad shades that faith itself takes ritual baths can be of many types as well. We’ll examine the many ways you can incorporate these into your life.

Quick, DIY Bath Rituals

Not all bath rituals require you to follow elaborate steps, gather a hundred-odd ingredient then carry out an hour-long performance. Quick bath rituals recipe options are a lifesaver for those who do not much time to spare. The tiniest one is only one ingredient, sea salt. Light a candle and say a prayer while rubbing sea salt on your body, and that’s it. It is associated with the element Earth, and as a bonus, your skin will be baby-soft and silky smooth afterwards! Modifications to this would include:

  • Add a few drops of essential oils to your sea salt scrub, which has myriad benefits for your skin and mental health.
  • Add some Epsom salts to your scrub to make a relaxing concoction!

Ritual Bath Soaks

When you have a little more time on your hands, indulge in a ritual bath soak that gives you and your body multiple benefits. The basic ingredients that you will need are – various salts, different essential oils, selection of herbs and herb powders. Stock up on candles as well, and wine if you wish. Combine the basic ingredients in different combinations, anoint and light your candles, and your ritual bath is complete! Listed below are some great bath rituals recipes to start from. For convenience, you can buy bath rituals recipes kit from

  • For peace: Catnip, Hops, Jasmine essential oils and Elder flowers. This bath will reduce stress and negate anger. This is also to banish wrathful or hateful feelings. All these ingredients are sure to guarantee an intense relaxation, however stressful your situation is.
  • For energy: Carnation, Lavender and Rosemary essential oils along with Basil leaves and Cinnamon powder. Let this steep in warm water, but make sure to let it cool before bathing in it. Lavender will banish stress with Rosemary and carnation is known to infuse you with upbeat energy.
  • For beauty: Lavender, Rosemary and Spearmint essential oils along with Comfrey root and Thyme. Use visualization techniques in conjunction with this for best results.
  • For ritual purification: Lavender, Rosemary and Thyme essential oils combined with Basil, Fennel, Hyssop, Mint, Vervain and Valerian root. Add your salt mixture to this, with emphasis on the Epsom salts. This is bath is adapted from The Key of Solomon, and will leave you feeling clean and pure. This is a great detox bath, and will draw out impurities from your skin.

In case you want to make your own recipes, any magical correspondence chart will be a good place to start. Choose your ingredients in the form they are available in your area. Whether the ingredient is in powder or oil form is not a big factor, as either will contain the essence that you need to achieve the intended effect. Whichever way you choose, these soaks will leave you feeling like you walked out of a spa!

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