Top 6 Tips on How to Improve Your Sleep

August 28, 2022

Admittedly, we all feel more relaxed and wholesome after a restful night’s sleep. However, for some, finding sleep is easier said than done. As it is, more than half of the population worldwide opines that they never wake up feeling refreshed while 25% confess that they have recurrent sleep problems. The good thing is that there are certain things you can work on to improve your sleep…

Key Things You Should Know About Sleep

Poor sleep patterns have been fingered as a leading cause of diminished productivity, workplace accidents and illnesses such as respiratory failure, cardiovascular diseases, and diabetes.

Two of the most common sleeping issues that affect most people are insomnia and obstructive sleep apnea syndrome.

Insomnia refers to the condition where one has problems finding sleep or staying asleep for the recommended number of hours.

Obstructive sleep apnea on the other hand refers to a condition where one intermittently stops breathing when sleeping.

If you are affected by either of the conditions mentioned above or any other sleeping conditions, ensure that you consult your doctor. There are a wide range of treatments that you can explore to treat most sleeping conditions.

If poor sleeping habits are affecting your daily life, you can make great improvements in your overall lifestyle by making a few changes to your daily habits and routines. These OMF reviews will help you to choose a comfortable mattress making a great night’s rest achievable.

Want to be more energetic and productive on waking up? Below, we will discuss some top tips on how to improve your sleep patterns and cycle.

Top 6 Tips on How to Improve Your Sleep

1. Condition Your Body to a Specific Sleep Pattern

Each day, try to ensure that you go to bed at the same time – even during weekends or when you had a disturbing night’s sleep the previous day.

Your body’s internal sleep clock and hormones that regulate sleep and wakefulness will function best if you maintain a regular sleeping pattern.

Further, no matter the night that you have had, ensure that you maintain your normal daily routine. When tired, avoid tasking activities as they can further reinforce your sleep problems.

If you feel like you need to catch up on sleep, it is better to go to bed earlier than normal but still maintain your normal waking up time.

To ensure that you regulate your biological clock and that it becomes tuned to your waking up at a certain time, expose yourself to bright light the moment that you wake up.

2. Wind Down Before Going to Bed

Set aside an hour before going to bed when you can partake in relaxing activities such as taking a bath, listening to music, or reading a book.

Just before going to bed, ensure that you prepare your bedroom by making your pillows and covers comfortable, and turning all lights in the room dim.

Additionally, take a light snack before jumping into bed. Going to sleep hungry can distract you from sleeping but so can eating heavy meals right before going to bed.

Taking a glass of milk right before going to bed can also help since this beverage contains tryptophan – a nutrient that induces natural sleep. To learn more about how food and drinks can affect your sleeping patterns click here.

3. Don’t Take Any Stimulants in the Evening

For great sleep, ensure that you avoid alcoholic and caffeinated beverages in the evenings.

Further, you should also avoid using electronic gadgets such as computers and phones at least 30 minutes before going to bed.

4. Go to Bed When You Feel Drowsy or Tired

If you maintain a regular sleep pattern, your body’s internal clock will start winding down when it is nearly time to go to bed. To enjoy a great night’s sleep do not ignore drowsiness as it is the precursor to a restful night’s sleep.

If you go to bed but still cannot sleep after 20 minutes, move into another room and do some relaxing activities.

If you have some things bugging you, consider writing them down and focusing on them the next day when you are fresh.

Still can’t get any sleep? Read a lengthy and boring legal document – bet you won’t even come close to its end!

5. Stay Active During the Day

Exercising regularly during the day can do wonders for your sleep. For example, you can start with a morning walk to refresh yourself.

To sleep better at night, avoid strenuous exercises at least 3 hours before you have to go to bed.

6. Avoid Excessive Exposure to Blue Light in the Evenings

Avoid blue light for a restful night’s sleep. This is because blue light usually has a wavelength that affects melatonin levels in the body. Melatonin is the hormone that regulates the sleep-wake cycle. Excessive exposure to the wavelength found in blue light can disrupt your body’s sleep clock hence disrupting your sleep cycle.

If you must use your phone or computer in the evening, ensure that you set it to ‘night time’ – or better still avoid using electronic gadgets entirely.

If you work a night shift where you must use electronic devices, consider installing an app that can filter out blue and green wavelength. Alternatively, wear blue-blocking glasses when using these devices.

To make your bed conducive for sleeping, consider dim red lights as your night lights. Dim red light is the least likely to affect the melatonin levels in your body.

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