Top 5 Benefits Of Laser Hair Removal

December 11, 2022

What Is Laser Hair Removal?

Laser hair removal refers to a treatment aimed at completely eradicating body hair by preventing it from re-growing. Pigment in the hair follicle absorbs concentrated light thus killing the hair and stopping the follicle from working.

One or two treatments are just what some people need, while others require 8 or more. Both men and women can and do have laser hair removal to get rid of unwanted hair from the body, usually from the legs, neck, face, bikini line, underarms, and back.

What Are the Benefits of Laser Hair Removal?

Besides the convenience of no longer having to worry about dealing with unwanted body hair, there are several benefits that are making both men and women prefer laser hair removal to shaving or even waxing.

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  1. Save Money

Laser hair removal can be costly, but it usually saves people money in the long term. Women spend about $20,000 (£17,000) on waxing on average in their lifetime, with the average cost of shaving for women set at $8,000 (£7,000).

Laser treatments prices vary widely depending on the size of area being treated and the type of laser. You can expect to pay around $60 (£50) to $180 (£150) per session, which means that a course of treatments can be anything from $350 (£300) to $1,050 (£900).

While the aforementioned prices might sound expensive, if you compare it to the price of shaving and waxing, it is considerably more cost-effective.

2. Save Time

Laser hair removal at Skin Works Medical Spa not only helps you save money but also time. 88 percent of women are reported to spend over 4 months of their life getting rid of body hair, while a single laser hair removal treatment takes anywhere from 30 minutes to 1 hour.

3. No More Ingrown Hairs

Lots of people struggle with ingrown hairs that result from shaving or waxing. Ingrown hairs typically occur when hair grows back into the skin. They appear like tiny red bumps on the skin that can be sore and itchy.

Ingrown hairs can get infected sometimes and require treatment using antibiotic tablets and creams. Since they are visible on the skin, they often cause embarrassment leaving people feeling insecure about exposing their skin.

Laser hair removal kills the follicle, which stops new hairs from growing and therefore prevents ingrown hairs. It is a lasting treatment, which means that you will be free from ingrown hairs for years to come.

4. Improved Skin

Waxing and shaving can irritate the skin. A common issue that people have with shaving is rashes and dry skin, and people that wax regularly often suffer from red bumps and even boils. While some people find that their skin is slightly red immediately after treatment, this usually goes down within a few hours.

In the long term, skin should be silky smooth and no longer having to remove hair repeatedly will prevent ongoing irritation.

5. You Don’t Need to Wait for Hair to Grow

Unlike waxing, laser hair removal can be done even when hair is very short. So, you don’t need to grow the hair in between treatments. From the day treatment starts, you don’t need to worry about any unwanted hair being on show.

If you are embarrassed at all about your unwanted hair, you can be confident that it will never be seen again.

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