Tips for Choosing the Right Boxes for a Move

March 15, 2020

If there is one element we relate to the move, it is undoubtedly the cardboard boxes. Markers, cleaning, truck, display cases… without the cardboard boxes nothing is the same. If you need help to find some cheap boxes/containers to assist in packing your items, you can find used Gaylord containers in Texas.

A move is a key moment in our lives. Sometimes we don’t give it the importance it deserves, we try to do as it is a normal period, something else that happens in our existence, and although in a way this is true, moving home does not let anyone’s emotions go unnoticed. To carry out a removal without losing your head, you should bear in mind a few tips.

Every change puts stress on our bodies. When it comes to moving, our emotions are disrupted, we witness a host of feelings that, although sometimes we do not let them out, are expressed in other ways. Fear, anxiety, impatience, tiredness… if you are planning to move, don’t let yourself be carried away by stress. There are many tricks to getting out of this unscathed.

If there is one thing we can relate to when moving, it is undoubtedly the cardboard boxes. Markers, cleaning, trucks, display cases… nothing is the same without cardboard boxes, and one of the elements that will guide the destination of your move and determine its success or failure is the choice of cardboard boxes.

Cardboard removals

Anyone who has moved house has used boxes to transport their belongings. In fact, even if we have not moved house, it is strange not to think about cardboard boxes when we hear the word “move”. We see them in friends, on television, in the cinema… there is nothing that is more closely linked to the word “moving” than the same cardboard boxes.

Moving home is a difficult process, one that involves change, and is always frightening. In order to make it as easy as possible and not die by pulling our hair out, there are a series of recommendations that will work perfectly well for you if you are going through this situation, which is as exciting as it is disheartening.

The advice always revolves around the boxes, the heart of any move. The first piece of advice you should bear in mind is not to overload the boxes. It is best not to load them up to 20 kilos, as this will make them easier to handle. Also, if you can store the boxes in different rooms, that’s better than the best way to do it. You will save a lot of time when you have to relocate everything in the house of the destination.

Another thing to bear in mind when moving home is where to start. A good recommendation for your clothes is to start by putting away the ones you are not currently wearing. For example, if you are moving in December, putting away your bikinis and summer clothes will be the best decision, so that you do not have to rummage through the boxes during the moving process to find what you want to wear.

On the other hand, you will have to think about the delicate items. You will have to wrap the dishes, plates, etc. with the newspaper, and the glasses and other glass should be bubble-wrapped so that all the dishes are not shattered when they arrive at your new home.

In short, don’t forget to be well organized when preparing your cardboard boxes. Prepare markers, insulating tape and put the names of all the contents that await each box. If you have any delicate or valuable objects, inform the removal company so that they can be more careful with the transportation, but above all, be very patient and enjoy the changeover process.

Types of boxes

It may seem silly, but choosing the right type of boxes for your move is essential for the smooth running and success of your move (and especially your mental health). If you would like to know more about how to choose what is best for you, and what will make your life easier, follow these tips.

When moving home, it is essential to choose different boxes for different items in the house. By making the right choice, we can guarantee they will be easier to move around in and unpack. What’s more, organized organization will save us a great deal of time.

We can use the small boxes to pack the heaviest objects so that being small it will be easier to move them. They are the ideal boxes for objects such as books, since, if we put them in a larger box, it would be impossible to move them. The small boxes are perfect for introducing for example dishes, we recommend that in these cases you do not leave empty spaces between the glasses and the cups or otherwise they could break.

Medium and large boxes are made for larger objects and are not heavy. In this case, it is essential that before closing the box you proceed to lift it, to realize that you will be able to transport it and you have not loaded it too much.

For the clothes, you will need a coat hanger boxes or wardrobe boxes. They are a little more expensive but ideal for not having to pack. You can hang up your clothes and then empty them into the destination box and have them go straight into the closet. They have the advantage of not wrinkling the clothes and not having to iron them as if you had packed a suitcase.

Some tips

When choosing your boxes try to buy them online, it’s a good way to get cheap boxes at the best price. You should also make a note of any boxes containing delicate objects, saying “fragile” or “do not stack” so that the company making the move can take the necessary measures with these boxes. If you are going to do this yourself, this message will also be useful for you to know how to handle your boxes.

Number the boxes indicate which room each one goes to… all the messages you can put on them will be useful when unpacking. The most important thing is that there is a good organization to speed up the moving process.

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