Things to Remember While Choosing a Water Purifier

July 2, 2019

One of the essential commodities of an Indian household is water purifiers. The key to a healthy life lies in the quality of drinking water. There are a lot of options available online when it comes to water purifiers. It can be overwhelming to choose one that best suits your needs. An examination of the following parameters will help you purchase the best water purifier.

1.        Water Quality

The first step is to evaluate the quality of water that gets supplied to your home to decide the kind of water purifier that suits your requirement. The quality of water usually varies from place to place. Some water contains sediments while the other has germs and pathogens in it, which can cause illnesses.

Usually, the physical appearance can be used to indicate when there are sediments in the water. Water with dissolved impurities also has an unpleasant odor and taste. Water that leaves behind white patches when kept in steel utensils are rich in calcium and magnesium, and the water is said to be hard.

If this is the case, RO is undoubtedly the preferable choice for you. RO purifiers use a semi-permeable membrane with a pore size of just 0.0005 microns. These pores can remove the tiniest of dissolved salts, metals as well as impurities. You can also call at Eureka Forbes Customer Care no who can get your water tested to check for any contaminants present in the water.

Sometimes heavy metals like lead, mercury, and arsenic are present in the water, which can cause health problems. Once you form an idea about the quality of water that you’re working with, choosing the water purifier is an easier task

2.        The Process of Purification and Technology

Another parameter to consider before purchasing a water purifier is to compare the purification technology that is employed. The technology that is used in water purification dramatically affects the quality of the output water. Every water purifier employs some mechanism to filter the contaminated water that passes through it. Most filters are equipped with one either one of the commonly used filtration techniques.

One of the most widely used technique is RO, which stands for Reverse Osmosis treatment. Purifiers using RO technique uses a semi-permeable membrane to remove from the input water elements like metals, ions, molecules, hardness, and larger particles from drinking water. There is also the UV technique found in Ultraviolet water purifier systems.

These systems use Ultraviolet rays to kill the germs that are present in the water. UF, which stands for Ultrafiltration, is another filtration technique which is used. UF purifiers use hydrostatic pressure on the water against a semi-permeable membrane. This purifies bacteria, viruses, and other particulates from water.

TDS control, which stands for Total Dissolved Solids control, is another purification technique. This technique controls the final TDS and thus taste in water that is outputted. pH Balance Technology is the latest technology that is being used in Water Purifiers. As the name suggests, this technology balances the pH levels in the water.

Many purifiers employ a combination of two or more purification techniques.  You can select the product based on the purification technology that best suits your requirement.

3.        Water Required For Daily Usage

It is essential to analyze the average daily consumption of water for your household carefully. You must know if you need purified water only for drinking purposes or for other uses for the entire house. This will give you a clear idea about the kind of water purifier you need and should purchase to suit your needs.

If the daily consumption of water is high, you might require a high-power purifier and a model with a significantly higher output rate which can quickly and efficiently filter an ample supply of water. If the consumption is low, you can easily opt for a smaller water purifier.

It is prudent to consider the number of users before purchasing a water purifier product. For example, in prominent families, a small output filter will be useless. Most purifiers work on electricity, and it will be the cause for a significant rise in your power bill if the purifier is used repeatedly. Also, the more the use, the more is the use of the filters. This would lead to the need for a change of filters more frequently. You could also try for purifiers which provide storage options in container tanks.

Container tanks, filters, and purifiers, in general, require regular maintenance and service. You can always use Eureka Forbes toll free number to book service from trained engineers. You can also contact Eureka Forbes RO customer care for queries regarding products and services that can you can avail. Water purifiers should be serviced at regular intervals to ensure that the quality of water is not affected.

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