Things to Keep in Mind When Choosing the Best Salon

July 17, 2019

Gone are the days when we refrained from asking questions from our stylist and allowed them to take control of our tresses. However, the times have changed and it is not the same anymore.

Allowing stylists to take control over how your hair looked often resulted in dissatisfied customers and unhappy hair journeys. Since we considered them as a trusted authority in matters relating to hair care, we simply sat on a chair and let them to their thing. But today the information is available on our fingertips which means that we know a lot more than we did back in the day. Therefore, it is important to ask questions and keep some important things in mind in our quest to find the Best Salon in India.
That being said, in this article, we will cover some important points that will help you make an informed choice by taking note of the following things that often go unnoticed.

Don’t underestimate hygiene

If you enter a salon and you feel uncomfortable about your environment, then you should raise your concern rather than allowing your stylist to put you in an unhygienic environment. It is very important to speak up or even walk out if the place looks unsightly. Do you really want your hair to be washed in a grimy basin? Can you really sit for close to an hour in a mound of someone else’s hair? These things are not only ugly to watch but also unsanitary.

So even if your hairstylist is the best, the salon must follow the cleanliness protocol. If they don’t, then keep looking for one that does. You are, after all, paying for their service and it is your right to demand a clean environment.

The salon should be easily approachable

Thankfully, you no longer need to travel great distances to reach your stylist. Those days are long gone when good salons were too far and few in between. There are now many salons within approachable distance. Therefore, your challenge is to find a good hairstylist who is not too far from where you live or work. This is important because it helps you stay regular in your appointments. You will also be able to schedule last-minute sessions for a special occasion if your stylist is close-by.

Check their portfolio

Don’t trust the adverts that self-proclaims to be the best salon. You must do your own research and ask around for recommendations. You can also ask to see the stylist portfolio to ensure that the hairstylist is really worth its salt. See their previous work, ask about their specializations etc. Are they good at haircuts or hair styling? These things help you know your stylist better.

Size does not always matter

It is common for people to make the common mistake of choosing a salon based on their size. They automatically assume that a big salon means better services and better stylists. However, that is not always the case. Sometimes, small salon has many more personalized services to offer. They can also work closely with you to give you exactly what you want. A big salon, on the other hand, may rush you through the process as they would want to service as many clients as possible.

If you really want to assess the salon you are considering, then sit around and watch how they are handling their customers. Are there too many different people managing a single patron? Someone else may be washing hair while another person may be styling? As they say, too many cooks spoil the broth, the same is true for your hairstyle as well. It is always better to be in the care of single person than multiple professionals.

Their choice of products

Do you want your haircare products to be silicone free or do you have a preference for natural products? When looking for a hair salon, always work with someone who has the products you prefer. Some salons even have their own range while others purchase from vendors. If they don’t have the products you like, then you can either ask them to provide them or allow you to bring your own.

When choosing a hair salon, it is always better to play safe and let someone else recommend the stylist to you. In the fast-paced world of technology, word-of-mouth still remains the single most powerful form of advertising. So always check out the one that comes highly recommended and evaluate them on the basis of these pointers. Don’t be shy to ask some pointed questions because what you want at the end of the day is a long-term solution rather than carrying out the same search after every few months.

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