The Difference between CBD Oil and Hemp Oil Explained

November 22, 2019

You may have heard about the ‘green rush,’ which is now commonly used to refer to the new discoveries of marijuana and hemp products. CBD oil is at the epicenter of all this hype owing to its many health benefits. Despite the many benefits and hype surrounding hemp and marijuana products, many people are still in the dark when it comes to understanding the difference between the different components of these products and their benefits.

If you are as curious as many people are, we will take you through the difference between these two products. But first, there are some terms to understand.

Basic Terms That You Need to Know

·             Hemp – This is a plant in the family of Cannabis Sativa and it is green in color. Some people may confuse it with marijuana, but there are some differences when you look closely. It typically has a concentrate of 0.03% THC and oftentimes less. It provides an abundant source of hemp CBD oil. The hemp plant is frequently used for medical purposes

·             Marijuana – This is another plant in the family of Cannabis Sativa with a high amount of THC. It is typically used for recreational purposes although there are many instances when it is used for medical purposes.

·             CBD – It is also known as cannabidiol and it is found in the cannabis plant just like the two that we have discussed above. This is the chemical compound that has brought a lot of hype around these plants. According to medical experts, CBD has numerous health benefits that have been confirmed and more are expected to be discovered. It is no wonder why people are buying a lot of it from reliable sellers like to mitigate various illnesses and conditions as advised by doctors.

The Difference Between CBD Oil and Hemp Oil

When people think about the differences between CBD oil and hemp oil, there is so much confusion, especially after learning that the hemp plant is the primary source of CBD oil. Well, explaining more about the two will make things clearer.

CBD oil is a product of the cannabis plant like hemp and marijuana. It is typically extracted from the flower, leaves, and the stalk of the plant. CBD oil does not make people high as perceived by many people because it does not have the psychoactive effects. The THC in them is lower than 0.3%, which is accepted globally. People consume CBD oil in various ways ranging from high-end tinctures to pure oil drops.

On the other hand, we have the hemp oil, which is derived from the hemp seeds through the cold pressing method. It has no CBD but it is rich in omega-3, omega-6, and other important fatty acids. Thus, it can be used in a similar way to how jojoba, sunflower, and sesame oil are used.


By now, you should be aware of the difference between these two products. The good thing is that you also know how and when to use them. Make sure that you buy the right product that is suitable for your condition to enjoy the benefits in a better way.

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