The Benefits of Vegan Ingredients in Skin Care Products – A Focus on Neogen Pad

July 30, 2019

In a chemical infested world, the desire for natural products is always warranted. There is a need for safe and harmless products in the cosmetic industry, as well. Skincare products have long been a combination of chemicals which increase skin sensitivity and are sometimes harmful to the body.
The use of natural or plant-based products is gaining popularity because of their mild effect and harmless properties. Most vegan-friendly products use plant extracts as natural ingredients. For instance, an exfoliate such as Neogen Pad has lemon serum as its main ingredient.

The significance of lemon in skincare has been studied and proven to be authentic. Lemons are full of vitamin C, which plays a vital role in skin vitality. It is found naturally in the skin and functions as an antioxidant and exfoliator. The topical application of the lemon serum does not harm the surface because Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is part of the skin composition.

The vitamin in lemons also revitalizes the skin making it form new cells with ease and perform its functions at optimum. It reduces the production of acne by removing dirt and bacteria from clogged pores.

Vegan products like the Neogen Pad do not contain many ingredients like the chemical-based, or cosmetics with animal by-products. Chemical products have a higher likelihood of triggering skin reactions such as allergies, acne and skin conditions like dry skin.

On the other hand, vegan-based products are suitable for all skin types. They hardly increase or cause skin sensitivity because they are mild. They also need little to no chemicals to remain stable. Thus, their chemical composition is often low or non-existent.

Another vital advantage of vegan-products is that they endorse cruelty-free production. Animals are the test subjects for products throughout the process of creation in many industries. The cosmetic industry is not exempt from these tests. Skincare products are usually tested on animals to analyze their reaction and toxicity levels.

Aside from animal testing, animal by-products such as cholesterol, gelatin, beeswax, and so forth are used in a lot of skincare cosmetics. Most of the processes involve killing animals or taking their naturally produced secretions.

Animal by-products also come in the form of bodily excretions such as uric acid and decomposing insects. Manufacturers must use many chemicals to maintain the integrity of the molecules acquired from such by-products. The addition of more harmful chemicals must correct the smell and stability.

Another benefit of vegan cosmetic is that they are safe for the skin and the environment. The skin requires the elements in the plant extracts. Therefore, the plants act as a source of nutrients. When modifications are necessary, the ingredients can be preserved by more natural products as opposed to chemicals. The by-products from the production process do not harm the environment since the waste matter is biodegradable and adds its nutrients back to the environment.


When nature is used in the correct concentrations, it can bring tremendous results as a cosmetic ingredient. Using vegan cosmetics is not only beneficial for skincare but also the environment. It is an effective way of improving the skin without damaging its properties.

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