Some Must-known Secrets of Professional Makeup Artist

May 16, 2014

Women are hopelessly addicted to makeup. No matter how hard they try to resist, they can’t defy the strong temptations.  Interestingly, makeup has been present in many ancient societies as well. So, it is nothing wrong in applying an appropriate amount of cosmetics to enhance your appeal.

Anyway, there is an increasing tendency to call a professional hair salons DC.  But, not everyone can avail such expensive services all the time. So, it is better to learn some secrets of their craft. Read on to learn these hidden secrets that professional makeup artists use in their work.

Makeup Girl Hair Wallpapers, Images, Pictures, Photos

Step 1:  Get the Right Tools:

A soldier is always equipped with the latest weapons. So, a professional makeup artist always keeps the right tools with him. Mediocre brushes end in second-rate results.  Moreover, you need to hold the brushes in the right manner.

Step 2: Primer & Foundation:

Mix primer with foundation for finest results. And those with oily skins, a damp sponge are highly recommended. For dry skin types, utilize the brush to buff the center of your cheek. In this manner, you will get the best results.

Step 3: Hide the Flaws:

An effective makeup artist identifies the most obvious flaws in his client.  Then, he strives to hide these tones. Obviously, this will require experience to perfect the art.  You need to evaluate your face to apply makeup like a professional makeup artist.

Step 4: Indentify Your Face Shape:

Every individual is different. So, makeup artists have to deal with round, oval and many other shapes. For them, it is part of their profession to identify the shape. But, this step is also crucial for your success as well.  In most makeup training schools, face shape is highly stressed on.

Makeup Girl Face Wallpapers, Images, Pictures, Photos

Step 5:  Focus on Eyes:

Let your eyes do the talking! You can utilize shadows and highlights to change the appearance of your eyes. In a nutshell, you need to add definition to your eyes. I am a firm believer in the power of eyes to cast a spell on the opposite sex.

Even when you don’t want to apply makeup, don’t forget to pep up your eyes.

Step 6: Use the Right Colors:

Many women strive to use colors to give their personality a unique flavor. But, makeup artists use colors wisely. A secret in the makeup industry is using opposite colors to create a magical contrasting effect. Now, this is something dependant on your instincts. For example, for beautiful blue eyes, orange color is appropriate. And for green eyes, red seems suitable.

Step 7: Focus on Lips:

Luscious lips represent youthfulness and attractiveness.  Interestingly, makeup can enhance the appearance of your lips. There is no need to go under knife. Most makeup artists employ light colors to give their clients a fuller appearance.  On top of that, you can apply gloss to conclude the process.

Step 8: Hide Dark Circles:

Every woman despises dark circles.  You need to hide them to attain a flawless appearance.  Obviously, you need an effective concealer to do the job effectively.

Author Bio

CoCo larue is a celebrity Makeup Artist DC. She often writes about fashion, hair extensions etc as guest blogger.


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