Romantic Ideas for Your Wedding Anniversary

July 22, 2013

Each wedding anniversary is an occasion that warrants some type of celebration. It marks another year that has passed together as a couple and gives you a chance to refocus on what is good and your accomplishments together–no to mention on the love that you feel for each other. This is why it is a good idea to have something planned for that special evening. The occasion does not need to be expensive, although it can be if you wish. The following are some ideas on how to make your wedding anniversary fabulously memorable.

Our life in pictures

A fun idea that can be used to highlight your lives together is a compilation video of pictures and even movie clips. Print and hang a banner sign with the colours and fonts from your wedding invitation with your two names together to surprise your loved one. These should help you to remember and relive happy moments that you have had along your journey. For the soundtrack use songs that mean something, such as your wedding song, the first song you danced together to and others like that. Remembering all the happiness you have shared is a sure-fire way to help turn the love on brighter than it ever was before.

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The first

Not every first date is the best for remembering, but if yours was, then relive it! Run through the events of the night as you visit all the spots and activities that you did the first time. If your first date was a double and everyone is still favourable to the idea, invite along the people who shared that first special night with you both.

Romantic Ideas for Your Wedding Anniversary

Romantic Ideas for Your Wedding Anniversary

Photographing the past

For this wedding anniversary idea you will need to make a list of places that have been special to you both. Visit each place and take a photograph there. To really make this idea special visit each place on landmark anniversaries and mimic the first picture of yourselves. Compile your favourite photos together throughout the years and print them on a poster. This is a neat to look back on and see the progression of your lives.

The couple that cooks together

If it is possible, cook your wedding menu together, or just your favourite elements from it. Some dishes can be complicated, so feel free to choose another that you both love if this is the case. Cook the meal together and enjoy working as a team and playing around in the kitchen. Then eat your meal and enjoy your wedding video or another fond piece of relationship memorabilia…maybe the first movie you saw together.

Have a night unplugged

Turn off your cellular phones, unplug the home phone and just enjoy time together. Watch a movie and snuggle on the couch, enjoy a candlelit dinner, whatever you choose. The only rule is that you do it together and without interruptions. This allows you to focus on each other, your love and how far you have come.

Whatever you choose to do for your anniversary, be sure that it is something that you both enjoy. Also, do not buy something that you want as a gift for the other person. This is a selfish action and can cause some hard feelings. Take the night to focus on who you both are, why you love each other and the years you have had together leading up to this moment in time.

Ashley is a blogger sharing advice on organizing weddings and parties – she knows that everything needs to be perfect on a wedding, so it’s always good to get some advice on the smallest of details.

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