Keep Moving: 6 Best Summer Activities to Keep Your Kids Active

April 16, 2013

At the end of the school year, many kids get very excited because they don’t have to do school work for three months. However, instead of running around outside, a lot of them choose to play video games and watch television all day. Being sedentary all day is not good for a child’s health and can even cause them to put on weight. Here are five summer activities that will keep your kids active and away from video games this summer.

Keep Moving - 6 Best Summer Activities to Keep Your Kids Active

Keep Moving – 6 Best Summer Activities to Keep Your Kids Active

Go on a Daily Walk

Going on a daily walk may sound simple, but it can really help keep your kids active during the summer. To keep things interesting, try to walk around a different area each day. For example, if you walked around the block yesterday, walk to the park the next day. Walking with your children will not just help burn calories, but it will also give you a chance to spend time together.

Go Swimming

Swimming will keep your children cool and active this summer. Swimming around in a pool can also be a lot of fun for many children. If you don’t have a pool at your house, consider looking for community pools in your area. You could also take your kids to swim at the beach if you live by one.

Enroll in a Summer Camp

Enrolling your kids in a summer camp is a great way to keep them active. They can also learn new things and make friends at a summer camp. Some of the different activities they can do during summer camp include swimming, hiking and playing sports.

Play Sports in the Backyard

If your child is always on their mobile phone, encourage your kids to play sports in the backyard to stay active. Sports don’t just burn calories. They also can be a lot of fun. There are a lot of different sports they can play in the backyard including volleyball, football and baseball. Make sure you get your kids the gear they need to stay active, like an inexpensive basketball hoop or a small volleyball net.

Use Apps to Get Fit

Kids are always wanting to play video games or play games on their smartphones. If this sounds like your child, try getting apps that teach workout routines or active games. Get the whole family involved, and this can make for a fun family night!

Join an Exercise Class

Exercise classes aren’t just for adults; kids can also enjoy them. Visit the health clubs in your area and ask about exercises classes for kids. For example, you can enroll your kids in a Zumba class where they can dance and burn calories.

These activities will keep your kids healthy and happy during the summer. Keep your kids active this summer with these six summer activity ideas.

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