How to Properly Respond to an RSVP From Your Host

August 28, 2019
When invites are sent out, especially for formal occasions, a lot of times, RSVP are included. Now, what does this mean?

Definition of RSVP

RSVP is an acronym for the French phrase “respondezs’ilvous plait.” In English, it translates to please respond. Irrespective of the occasion you get it for – birthday parties, wedding invitations or a black-tie event, you are supposed to respond.

That is to indicate if you’ll be attending or not. Remember that plans have to be made for refreshments, space for guests, and sometimes, souvenirs. Not responding can make planning the party difficult for your host.

How to Respond to RSVP

RSVPs are sent in several ways; however, it is best to respond in a way which the host would still feel respected and honored. Therefore, if an RSVP card sent along with the invitation, please fill and post. Commonly, the host includes an email address or phone number where you can RSVP.

Irrespective of how you have been told to respond or how you choose to, ensure to RSVP on time. Possibly, the deadline for response will be given. Thus, make sure that your answer gets to your host before the end of the deadline.

If the tone of the invite is formal, then your response should also be formal. Likewise, if it is informal, your response should be in line with that as well.

Regrets Only

Some hosts address their RSVP cards this way, “Regrets Only.” This means that if you’ll be attending, no response is expected from you. You should only respond if you were not attending the event.

Declining Invites

Declining an invitation, especially wedding invitations, can be awkward. This is mainly because we sometimes think the host might be upset. It’s possible; however, the host is also aware that not everyone will be able to make it to their event. To make it easier for everyone, keep your decline message short and simple.

“Thanks for the invite. I’m sorry I won’t be able to come.” You can also add a reason why you had to decline the invite.

If you had previously declined an invitation and suddenly your schedule clears, let your host know of your desire to attend.

Accepting Invitations

The invitation is only for those whose names appear on the envelope, except stated otherwise by the host. However, if it says something like the Harrisons or Mr. and Mrs. Harrison and family, then you can go along with your children.

If you want to bring along a friend to the party, but his name is not stated on the invitation, make sure that you check with the organizers first to see if it’s possible.

If however an emergency arises and you can’t make it to the party, make sure to let your host know about it to show respect.

Responding to RSVPs is not at all difficult. What matters is that both you and host are communicating well about the invitation.

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