How To Blend Hair Extensions In Most Natural Way?

June 17, 2019

Hair extensions have become a mainstay in beauty today. Nearly everyone rocks a hair extension to enhance their looks but the problem is how to make the extensions look as natural as possible. It is not quite enough to have a great looking hair extension, they should be as natural as possible, nearly indistinguishable from your natural hair.

So how do you achieve that?

Not to worry because in this article we will be showing you steps to follow in making your hair extensions look as natural as possible.

1-Match your natural hair density

It is important to have enough hair extensions that match the density of your hair. If you have thick hair then you will be needing lots of hair extension to match the density of your hair and for thinner hair, you would be needing fewer hair extensions. Matching your natural hair density and having enough extensions is the key to a natural look.

2-Ensure you use the right type of hair extensions for your hair.

There are different types of hair extensions, using the type suitable for your hair is key to having a great and natural look. If you have thin, fine hair making use of traditional hair extensions will produce less than optimum results as they will weigh down your hair and create an ungainly appearance. Ask your stylist to help you figure out the best hair extensions for your hair if you have a problem picking out the type of hair extensions that would work best for you.

3- Match The Hair Extension Colors with Your Hair Color

Hair extensions come in so many shades which might make it quite difficult for some people to figure out what’s the best match for their hair. To get a natural look you may want to consider going 2 or 3 shades lighter or darker than your natural hair colour. Some people mix about two to three colour in order to get the perfect blend. Remember that you are not matching your hair roots but its end. It is important to find a colour that will blend perfectly with the colour of your hair to give a natural look. If you have a unique hair colour which no company produces you may consider buying a blonde colour (#60) and colouring them to match your hair colour.

4- Use several different hair extension lengths

Make use of varying lengths of hair extensions to get a natural look. For optimum results make use of two lengths as one is used to blend with the layers of your hair while the other is used to enhance the overall look of your hair. Notice how wearing hair extensions with thin shoulder length hair looks very real and natural.

5- Hair Quality Matters – Use Human Hair.

Like it or not cheaper hair extensions are incomparable to high-quality human hair when it comes to quality. Although you might feel like you are getting a big bargain for the price when it starts to frizz you may start to reconsider your position. Invest in high-quality human hair as they will save you more money in the long run compared to the cheaper and lower quality alternatives. Having high-quality human hair you would not have to worry about the loss of quality after a few washes as they will be able to retain their natural hair quality if catered for properly. They look more natural and are more durable

6-Use a professional hairstylist

The best person to fix your hair extensions is a professional hair stylist. Of course, you can fix hair extensions today after watching a couple of YouTube videos but that cannot replace the quality of service that a professional hair stylist offers you.

The hairstylist knows all the tips and tricks to blend your hair perfectly well. If you invest in high-quality human hair extension, it is way better to go to a hair stylist who would be able to cut the extensions to size and fix them perfectly well to get an even and natural look. Hair extensions are meant to enhance the look of hair and not alter it in an ungainly manner this is why you should always seek the services of a professional who would be able to get your hair extensions blended perfectly.

So it is quite clear that using these steps that have been highlighted above you can get your hair looking super natural and beautiful with minimal effort and stress. Just remember to have enough hair, match your hair colour, and get a professional to get them fixed and you will be well in your way to a natural hair extension look in no time. Don’t forget to invest in quality human hair extensions, they might cost more at purchase but they save you a lot more money in the long run and last longer.

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