How To Achieve Extra Spice With Your Hand Accessories

May 18, 2020

It’s easy to admire your friends’ hand accessories from afar and wish you could achieve that level of glamour in your own life. The harder part comes in when you want to spice up your jewelry wardrobe and you have no idea where to begin! Here and 6 easy tips on how to maximize the spice in your hands’ lives.

1. Know Your Metals

Don’t get caught out not knowing what white gold is made of or wondering what color your engagement ring is. If you own a piece of jewelry, you’ll want to be able to gush about it to your friends. Learning the difference between rose and yellow gold can give you a better idea of how to work your different rings and bracelets in with your clothes and make-up preferences. You might keep a variety of metals on hand, but only place certain pieces together or with your favorite heels. 

2. Pick Your Fingers

There are many different cultural and historical significance behind the placement of rings. Each finger, depending on whether it is on your left or right hand, has a different meaning. This goes even further when you incorporate how many rings you are choosing to put on each finger.

Simple but spicy Hand Accessories for Girls pictures, Images HD Wallapper

Depending on the message you want to send to the world with your newly decorated fingers, you can come up with many combinations. It is commonly known that the ring finger signifies engagement or marriage, but the hand differs in different countries, and certain cultures even use a different finger. If you want to send a more personalized message you can pick different fingers for power or the ability to accept responsibility. 

3. Choose Your Style

More than just what fingers you choose to wear your rings on, you’ll notice there are so many different styles of rings that you could choose to wear! Different styles fit better on different fingers, but also allow you to combine them with other styles in a more fluid way. You might choose to add a large cocktail ring for a fancy party or simple band with a geometric patterned ring to go for a cleaner and more classic look.

4. Work Your Natural Skin Tone

The same way you might choose your foundation or lip color, the best way to get the glamorous hands you’re looking for is to accessorize by the natural tones in your skin. If you’re a cool shade, you’ll want to pick metals that have more silver or platinum notes. If your skin leans to the warm side, you’ll be looking for rose and yellow tones. These ring colors can be paired with the color of any stones in your jewelry, giving you the option to pair stone colors with lip shades or eye shadows.

5. Quality Over Quantity

While it might be hard not to wear all your favorite jewelry at the same time, remember that one or two beautiful and high-quality pieces of jewelry that complement each other will outshine even the most decked out hands that are full of costume pieces. If you’re worried about finding a quality jeweler, it can be a good idea to get recommendations from friends whose jewelry you admire. If a deal sounds too good to be true, well it probably is, so remember to ask your jewelers to see their certs before you purchase anything.

6. Follow Your Heart

It may sound cheesy, but at the end of the day, the only person you have to satisfy with your jewelry selection is you. All of these tips are just guidelines for how you can approach styling your hands. For that reason, you should listen to your heart when you pick out your jewelry and choose what to deck out your hands with. If you want to mix-and-match things that other people might stray away from, go for it! If you love white gold, but can’t go out of the house without your rose gold solitaire ring, you don’t have to. 

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