Dress with Confidence – How to Dress yourself with Attitude and Confidence

April 13, 2013

There is no doubt that the way you dress can affect the way you feel. It isn’t always about wearing the latest in fashion to look great all the time. Dressing for confidence needs to give you a combination of feeling good about yourself while looking good. The truth is that everyone dresses according to how they feel. For example, most people simply wear sweat pants and shorts and t shirts while they are home because they are comfortable. However, when it comes to a party, they put on something more classy and attractive because that’s what the situation demands and who wouldn’t want to look and feel great at a party. Of course, a person’s mere outer appearance and dress code isn’t enough to tell you about their personality. But dressing in a manner that makes you feel comfortable and stylish can affect the way people see you and feel around you.

Dress with Confidence

Dress with Confidence

Grooming and its importance

You could wear the best of clothes from the most expensive brands, but they might not necessarily improve your overall appearance if you do not indulge in basic grooming. This does not mean getting a complete spa treatment with a truck load of creams and oils. Simple and basic grooming like ensuring your nails are cut and clean, running a comb through your hair, brushing your teeth and shaving your stubble can do a lot to improve your appearance.

Develop a personal style

It is important to know what your personal style is and build on it through your dressing. Your style usually affects the way you interact with people and plays a big part on your personality development. Your style is usually reflected in the kind of fabrics you wear and the patterns you choose to sport. It can also include the kind of accessories you prefer to sport like watches, shoes and jewelry. Once you are aware of your style, you can pick accessories and clothes that reflect I, which in turn will make you feel comfortable and confident while looking good.

Choosing the right colors

If there is one thing that makes the world interesting, it is the use of colors. Everyone is instinctively drawn to particular colors because they can affect feelings and moods. Picking the right colored clothes can affect the way you feel and look and can also impact the people around you. Colors can produce positive and negative effects on your appearance. Some can give your skin a glow and bring a sparkle to your eyes while others which aren’t suited for you can make you look drab and uninteresting. It is for this reason that you should know which colors suit you and which don’t.

Colors are categorized into two main types- cool and warm. You need to consider which one of these types suit you and wear them on a consistent basis. After a while you will realize that you not only look great, but feel great and have a higher level of confidence as well.

So whether you are more inclined to formal wear or casual wear or something in between, take a little time to figure it out. Use your wardrobe to help you develop your style, confidence and overall personality and you will definitely see a change in your life.

Author BIo

I am Jinal Shah, Web Consultant and Entrepreneur with substantial experience in building online businesses and developing web applications. Online shopping addict, Loves to shop online on Flipkart using flipkart coupons, a mother and a loving wife 🙂

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