Colds during your steroids cycle – how to treat and continue training

May 28, 2020

Making secure against colds is not as easy as it seems at first glance. Influenza or acute respiratory viral infections can “knock down” the athlete at any time, including on the course of steroids. Is it necessary to continue training and taking anabolics for colds, or is it better to heal, and then start the course again? Let’s get it right.

Mild cold

The “fate” of the cycle of anabolic steroids for sale in USA will largely depend on the severity of the common cold. With a mild cold, it makes no sense to stop training and cancel anabolics, especially if you do not suffer from well-being. For a mild cold, the following symptoms are characteristic:

  • dry cough;
  • a slight increase in temperature – up to 37.5 ° C;
  • runny nose.

If the disease is not accompanied by a breakdown, the appetite does not suffer, the athlete fully eats, then you can safely continue the steroid course. But here you should take into account one nuance – if you decide to be treated with cold or antiviral drugs, carefully read the instructions. The medicine may be incompatible with steroids, which means that the treatment regimen will have to be reviewed.

Severe cold

When the disease is delayed and literally unsettle, it makes sense to think about canceling workouts and anabolics. It is better to concentrate on the treatment, and after recovery, with renewed vigor, begin to engage in training and pumping muscles.

It is especially dangerous when a cold is accompanied by a fever, severe cough and chills. In the phase of the height of the disease, the athlete may feel weakness and apathy, appetite worsens, a breakdown and a bad mood are observed. It makes no sense to train in this state – the sport will not bring any benefit. 

The main question at the recovery stage is to continue the course or start taking steroids from the very beginning? Sometimes a bodybuilder is sorry for the money and time spent, he begins to train hard and take overdoses after an illness. Experienced trainers stop these attempts – such a load is dangerous for a weakened body. 

If during the period of the disease a significant rollback of the gained muscle mass occurred, the steroid course is started anew. If the muscular volume is not affected, it is recommended to complete the course and take a break. In this case, a new course can be started a little earlier than planned so as not to waste the gained weight.

What is the danger of training for colds?

The danger of training is to increase the level of cortisol in the athlete’s body. Cortisol is intensely produced during moments of stress – during colds, intense exercise and thereby act as a stress factor.

Cortisol not only interferes with muscle building, but also destroys the already gained muscle volumes. Instead of directing resources to fight colds, the body begins to fight the stress hormone, and the recovery process drags on.

After recovery, you also need to deal with caution. They return to the usual training regimen smoothly, immediately giving muscles high loads is not recommended. Working weights use 50% less than the maximum, but the number of repetitions can be left the same. The first week is better to devote to light workouts, gradually increasing weight and the overall intensity of classes.

The duration of the recovery period will depend on the severity of the disease – with a mild cold, you will be able to return to your usual life much faster.

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