Closet Must-Haves Women of All Ages, Shapes and Tastes

October 20, 2014

Putting Your Best Foot Forward: Closet Must-Haves Women of All Ages, Shapes and Tastes

Beauty is visible in diversity. Yet there are basic irreducible minimums that we must adhere to as we work towards achieving that look that represents our individuality and our personal sense of style (I’m assuming that we at least understand the former as we figure out the latter).

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Closet Must-Haves Women

So we are going to look at all things fashion to define what these style rules are, okay? Here goes!

Structured bag – Whatever the look you are going for, a structured bag gives it an instant polished and sophisticated feel. Floppy bags have their time and place but when you need to put together a sharp look quickly, you will want to have a structured bag. Size and strap length are entirely your prerogative.

Jeweled belt – Belts (and diamonds) are a girl’s best friend. They help create a lovely silhouette and draw attention to your ‘strong’ features while averting the eye from the ‘not too cute’ parts. A jeweled belt brings this to a new level. It adds a sense of luxury, class and offers a fun way to let your personality shine through.

Flats – Now here’s a no-brainer. We simply cannot live in heels even though we would love to. So it is important to have a pair or two (or moreJ) of flats. You can get the menswear-inspired types for that smart casual look or some pretty slip-ons for running errands. Either way, flats are a must-have.

Rubber soles – Keeping with shoes, make friends with a cobbler and have him fit your shoes with a thin layer of rubber at the soles. You will get more wear out of your shoe and the added advantage of not sliding all over slippery floors J

Color – Okay, all you monochromatic ladies…settle down! We aren’t asking you to wear neon colors but add some color into your closet. A pop of color whether in a bag, belt, shoes, blazer or whatever can completely change the way you look…in a good way. So bring some life into your wardrobe by getting a few colored and maybe even patterned pieces, alright?

Structured clothes – These the most forgiving types. Get a garment that already has some shape in its design that will help you get some definition and create a lovely silhouette for you. It is a great way to accentuate your assets and cover up those flaws. You can get a range of these at various wholesale stores like Enewwholesale that will fit you perfectly, whatever your size.

The white shirt collection – This is perhaps the most versatile top you can find for a woman. They are available in so many cuts and styles such that literally any woman of any age, shape and style can wear one of these and look fabulous. It is important that you get one for yourself and infuse some versatility into your wardrobe.

T-shirt bra – A good look is from the inside out, literally and figuratively. Your underwear can make or break your entire look so invest in a good T-shirt bra for starters to eliminate that bumpy, lumpy looks caused by ill-fitting bras (that is not cute!).

These are just a few of the closet essentials but they should be able to tide you over in your next shopping spree. Have fun!

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