Can Fibroids Trigger Urinary Bladder Problems?

December 10, 2019

Perhaps, you’ve already heard that uterine fibroids can cause abdominal pain, bloating, heavy menstrual bleeding, stabbing pain in the legs, or back, etc. But, do you know that these non-cancerous tumors may also lead to bladder problems?

Fibroids, also known as Leiomyomas or Uterine Myomas, grow on the cell walls of the uterus. These solid growths develop from the soft muscle cells and the fibrous connective tissue. Some of them are tiny, while others can grow to the size of a grapefruit.

Apart from the other signs and symptoms, urinary bladder complications also indicate that you might need to go for fibroid treatment. Here, we’ll discuss the bladder problems uterine fibroids may cause and how to get rid of them. 

Urinary Problems And Fibroids

Many of the women struggling with fibroids have enlarged uterus. Also, a large-sized fibroid may expand the uterus to the size of the second-trimester pregnancy. It pushes the bladder, reducing its capacity to hold the urine. 

Another common issue that links fibroids with urinary problems is the ‘urinary urgency.’ The patient might wake up many times in the night to urinate or may experience an inability to pee despite a full bladder. 

When the fibroids press against the ureter, they may cause urinary retention. It is a serious condition that may pinch off the ureter completely. In such a situation, the patient requires surgery to prevent the urine from flowing back and damaging the kidney.

If you are experiencing any fibroid-related abnormalities in the urinary functions, talk to your doctor as soon as possible. 

Other Complications Linked With Uterine Fibroids

In some cases, fibroids cause pressure on the bowels that leads to feelings of constipation or bloating. They press against the rectum, causing rectal fullness, and may trigger difficulty in bowel movement or pain during excretion.

Some women having fibroids describe the excretion as a vague discomfort rather than a sharp pain. On the other hand, some find it extremely painful and also find it hard to lie the face down, exercise, or bend over.

UFE Can Help Cure Urinary Tract Problems

If you are suffering from urinary bladder problems and want to take your life back to normal, consult your physician to determine the best treatment. 

UFE or Urinary Fibroid Embolization is a non-surgical treatment to cure the lower urinary tract problems associated with fibroids. There are other surgical methods such as Hysterectomy (uterus removal) and Myomectomy (removal of fibroids through surgery) to get rid of the fibroids.

However, UFE is a minimally-invasive, safe option to the other surgeries that effectively reduces the urinary dysfunctions in women. It shrinks the fibroid tumors and provides relief from the unpleasant symptoms they cause. It is performed in an outpatient setting and doesn’t need open surgery. 

However, the treatment depends upon your age, the severity of bleeding, whether you want to have children, etc. Know your options, talk to the doctor about the symptoms, and seek advice about the best treatment for you.

What Are The Other Treatments For Uterine Fibroids?

Though you can’t cure fibroids on your own, you can do some things to minimize the symptoms. If the fibroids are on the outside of the uterus, you might have noticed some mass on the abdomen. To get relief from pain, you can lie down and try hot pack several times a day.

Some of the other medical treatment options are:

Hormone Therapy

To prevent the growth of fibroids, the doctor may ask you to stop taking contraceptive pills or hormone replacement therapy. However, in some cases, they may prescribe you birth control pills to control bleeding caused by fibroids. 

Endometrial Ablation

It is a procedure in which the doctor destroys the uterus’s lining to cut down the bleeding that is linked with small fibroids. 

Medicines And Prescriptions

Depending upon the severity, the physician may prescribe pain relievers such as Ibuprofen. Besides this, SERMs (selective estrogen receptor modulators) are a type of medicine that is able to shrink fibroids. But, it’s a short-term remedy, and the fibroids may re-appear.


Many of the women feel embarrassed while explaining the doctor about the fibroid symptoms. However, there’s no need to hesitate as it may prevent you from getting the right treatment and worsen the situation. Fix an appointment with a fibroid specialist today and get the best treatment advice for your problem!

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