Alternative Things You Can Do with a Gift Card

November 26, 2019
In celebrations that require gift-giving, one of the most convenient presents a person could give is a card. It is a practical choice, especially when you have no idea what to buy someone and all the better that they are quite inexpensive. 

Conversely, if you are on the other side of the bargain and you have received a gift card, there are many different options that you can do with it instead of utilizing it. Typically, most people sell gift cards. So, to get the best value of the present, here are other options that you can do with a gift card.

Sell it for cash

A common and acceptable practice that most people do is to sell gift cards. It is practical, especially when the store is not a place that you usually visit. Many websites buy different kinds of gift cards at a price close to its value. 

Exchange the cards

Another practice done by many is to have the gift cards exchanged. Almost everyone has at least one gift card that they do not plan on using. As such, you can always ask your friends if they want to exchange with you so that the card will not go to waste. 

Further, some websites specialize in exchanging gift cards. By utilizing these sites, you can exchange your card with another person to a store that you will buy from. However, some of these websites require an additional fee, but considering that it will come in handy, a small fee should not matter. 


One of the benefits of receiving a gift card is being able to give it to another person. You can regift the card, and the other person can make better use of it.

Refund to the retailer

A careful reading on some of the retailer’s gift card return policy allows customers to give back the card in exchange for a discounted amount. However, most stores require proof of purchase, which you could get by asking the person who gave you the gift card. 

Donate it to charity

Keeping a gift card lying around is a waste of money. That is why if you believe you have no use for it, take advantage of its value by donating it to charity. Many charities accept gift cards for donations, and if they do not, then you can always refer to the previous options and give the money acquired instead. 

Besides, you can use the acquired money to buy food and other material that the charity needs. In short, your unused gift card can be of great help to others.

An unused gift card is, in fact, money waiting to be spent. Not utilizing it will eventually lead to its expiration and deterioration of value. Then, the money spent by the person who gave it to you will all be for nothing. 

For this reason, it is always better to find alternative options that you can do with a gift card. You can use these options to get the value out of it and purchase items for yourself or for the benefit of others. 

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