All You Need to Know About Reishi Mushrooms

December 26, 2020

With people becoming extra conscious of their health given the pandemic conditions, they are increasingly resorting to various kinds of supplements. Additionally, natural supplements are gaining popularity as well—one of which is the medicinal Reishi mushroom.

What are Reishi Mushrooms?

Well-known as the “King of mushrooms,” Reishi mushroom or Ganoderma lucidumin is highly revered in Traditional Chinese Medicine for the past many centuries. The mushrooms are consumed in several forms like herbal tonics, extracts, powders, tinctures, etc., owing to their immense healing properties.

Their adaptogenic and anti-inflammatory properties offer a plethora of health and other benefits.

Benefits of consuming Reishi Mushroom

One of the most potent adaptogens that promise overall optimal health is that the Reishi mushroom is an excellent superfood consumed by people to get relief from physical and mental issues.

Some of the immense benefits of the fungi include-

· Improves Liver Functioning

Since liver is one of the most critical organs in the body, it is extremely crucial to maintain its optimal health. Therefore, it is highly recommended to consume Reishi mushroom products, like Mushroom Cacao Latte daily to keep your liver healthy and free from various diseases.

 Laden with robust adaptogen properties, the medicinal fungi flushes out toxic elements and microbes effectively from the body, thus, protecting our liver from external risk factors that may hinder its functioning.  

Studies have also shown that the mushroom has the ability to protect your liver from exogenous and pharmaceutical damage, thereby improving liver function and detoxification.

· Efficient Stress Buster

Often hailed as the “Supreme Mushroom,” Reishi posseses rich in anti-stress properties and helps to detoxify the body. A powerhouse of nutrients, it has been used to support mental wellness. Studies reveal that by consuming Reishi Mushroom extracts in daily routine, people with acute and chronic health conditions reported much reduced anxiety and depression issues, along with quality sleep at night.

· Promotes Cardiovascular Health

People with high cholesterol issues, who might have a hormonal imbalance, high levels of stress, or a thyroid problem, should start consuming Reishi Mushroom today.

A daily dose of medicinal mushroom helps reduce high blood pressure your body’s harmful cholesterol levels, resolves blood clots, and regulates your hormones’ balance, resulting in strengthening of your overall cardiovascular health.

· Boosts Digestion

Loaded with probiotic properties, Reishi mushroom promotes the growth of healthy gut bacteria in your body that enhances your digestive function and endorses a healthy gastrointestinal tract.

Moreover, it also possesses anti-inflammatory properties, which significantly helps reduce inflammation and ulcers in your digestive system.

Drawbacks of Reishi Mushroom

Every beneficial thing is accompanied by its own set of drawbacks, which are-

· It is advised to seek medical advice or avoid consuming Reishi altogether during pregnancy or when lactating.

· Overdoses of fungi can result in upset stomach, insomnia, dizziness, sore throat, skin rashes, and palpitations, especially in sensitive people.

· People with clotting or bleeding disorders are discouraged from consuming Reishi as its high doses might increase the bleeding risk.

· Also, people on immune-suppressive drugs or who just had organ transplants should avoid the mushroom for it can interfere with your treatment.


The powerful Reishi Mushroom is now readily available worldwide, but you should consume it only after keeping in mind all the pros and cons.

However, there’s no denying the fact that Reishi is a vital mushroom that offers you robust health.

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