5 Tips to buying a new Bike

December 9, 2019

It can be an intimidating experience to buy a new bike. This is more so for people who have not had prior experience riding or buying a bike. There are many types of bikes that one would be interested in buying. So, what are some of the factors one needs to consider when buying a new bike? Where are they supposed to turn to for tips and advice to find the best kind for their height, weight, interests, and other needs? Well, I believe that a local bike shop would be the right place for one to check. Bikes Reviewed on many websites could also give you a clue on what is required in a bike. Therefore, I would recommend that you should read as many reviews online as possible.

Here are 5 tips to help you buy a new bike:

1. Visit the local shop

You may want to buy bikes from a local shop as it definitely stocks what is suitable for your particular locality. They definitely consider things such as the local terrain and availability of spare parts and accessories when they are stocking the bikes. Therefore, visiting the local bike store and asking questions is a good way to start your shopping.

2. Where, how and with whom will you be riding the bike

It is important to consider where and with whom you will be riding the bike. Will you be riding on public roads or on rural terrains? Will you be riding with children? At what pace are you going to ride the bike? Are you considering buying a bike that you can use on a daily basis? Could you be upgrading your bike to a new modern kind of a bike? Consider the shortcomings of the new bike and have these considered as the improvement factors in the new one.

3.  Test-ride a few different models

Once you have visited the local store and seen a number of bikes, it is time for you to do a test ride. There are many models that could match your needs but for you to make the right decision, test riding the bike would be the best way to go. Here, you have to consider things like sitting on the bike, speeds, and the comfort and so on. Consider the height of the bike as well so that you are sure of exactly what suits your needs.

4.  Consider Your Budget

This is a very important factor that one needs to consider. Some bikes you see at departmental stores could cost less than $300 but they could be low quality. Most of the best quality bikes will cost in the range of $300 to $400. You want to buy a good bike that will last longer and offer you good value for your money. As such, do research on the brands, cost, and availability of spares and service.

5. Don’t skip the accessories

It is easy for you to budget for a bike and forget that there are accessories that go with it. These are items such as a helmet, shorts that come with chamois padding, bike lights, and a bottle cage, among others. Remember that these accessories are needed for your security or for your comfortable rides.

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