5 Things To Know Before Considering A Brazilian Butt Lift

September 26, 2019

Shape and proportion of buttocks are crucial factors of an attractive figure. With Brazilian Butt Lift surgery (BBL), a cosmetic surgeon can help you achieve a full, round buttock contour. 

It not only gives natural, amazing results, but it is also a simple cosmetic procedure. Though there are some things to know about BBL before you consider going for the surgery. Let’s get started-

A Brazilian Butt Lift Is A Two-In-One Procedure

Many of the people don’t realize that butt lift is a two-way procedure. First, the cosmetic surgeon performs liposuction in another area of the body. The most common areas to collect extra fat for this portion of BBL are abdomen, back and waist. If you are a slimmer patient, the surgeon will perform this function on thighs and arms.

The surgeon creates small incisions to insert small tubes called cannulas. Excess of the fat cells can be removed through these cannulas. After this, these fat cells are processed and injected into the buttocks on precise locations to achieve the desired shape. Therefore, ad added benefit of getting BBL is that the liposuction part of this procedure will enhance your figure you are looking for.

You Might Need A Touch-Up Procedure Down The Road

Though many patients can achieve long-lasting results, you may need a touch-up procedure to maintain voluptuous, soft results. 

For example, women who experience pregnancy after getting a BBL may find that their curves aren’t the same as they were before having kids. Further, it is still possible to gain weight in the areas even after liposuction. Therefore, such significant changes in the weight stress on the need of getting another touch-up procedure such as mommy makeover or tummy tuck.

A BBL Is Typically An Outpatient Procedure

In most of the cases, butt lift is an outpatient procedure. It means you can expect to go home the same day as your surgery. Generally, the BBL surgery takes for around 1 to 4 hours to complete. However, the exact amount of time depends upon the individual situation and work needed to achieve the desired results.

If you get discharged the same day, it is essential to plan a few things ahead to make the recovery as smooth as possible. For example, you can choose a relaxing space and stock it with plenty of fluffy pillows or blankets, movies, or other sources of entertainment.

Also, make sure that you are eating a healthy diet to maximize the healing process.

Schedule Tummy Tuck And BBL Separately

Tummy tuck and Brazilian butt lift are the two most common cosmetic surgery procedures. However, depending upon the location of these body parts, it is better to schedule both the surgeries separately.

The reason is, during the recovery of BBL surgery, you are required to sleep on your side or abdomen. Moreover, you are also advised to stay off of the back as much as possible after the first few weeks of surgery. On the other hand, tummy tuck is performed on the abdomen. So, most of your recovery time need will be spent lying on the back. Due to this reason, these two procedures don’t make good combinations.

Plan Significant Time Off Work

Though your surgeon may let you go home just after your surgery, don’t forget BBL is still a surgical procedure. So, it is crucial to schedule some time off the work to recuperate the surgery. 

Your surgeon may ask you to wear a compression garment to minimize the swelling and promote healthy blood circulation. In addition to this, he/she may provide you with recommendations to manage the discomfort. So, try to stick to the doctor’s guidelines in order to reduce the risk of complications.


Brazilian butt lift has become a popular surgery that provides the best, natural-looking results when performed by a board-certified surgeon. With these important things, you can prepare yourself ahead of time before going for the procedure.

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