4 Tips For Dressing For a Job Interview

February 15, 2023

A job interview is a big deal. It’s an important first impression, and a “make it or break it” moment. Even though looks aren’t everything, they can certainly make a difference in the way you’re perceived. 

Going into a job interview looking your best can significantly increase your chances of getting the job. If you’re prepping for a job interview in the near future, then here are some of the best tips for dressing to impress.

Don’t Forget Your Hands and Feet

If you’re not much of a fashionista, then you might think that you can get away with only focusing on your clothing and hoping nobody sees the rest. This couldn’t be further from the truth. A job interviewer will be looking at everything from your hair to your shoes. Your nails should be done and well-kept.  In other words, you shouldn’t have chipping nail polish or dirt under your fingernails.

Your shoes should be clean and appropriate for a work environment. That means you can forget about wearing a pair of Converse with a suit. Your interview outfit should be professional and complete from head to toe.

Avoid Too Many Accessories

You want to keep a low profile if possible when going to your interview. Looking overly flashy or gaudy won’t do anything other than detract from what you’re saying.  Keep it simple and stick to accessories like a simple necklace or a watch. 

Your hands shouldn’t be full of ten thousand rings either. Remember, you’re there to draw attention to your talents and skill set, not the amount of money you’ve spent on diamonds over the last year. You’re not going to impress anyone at a job interview based on accessories alone.

Wear Neutral Colors

Nobody is telling you you can’t be yourself. It all depends on the kind of work environment you’re going into. There are some places that fully embrace loud clothing,  bright colors and patterns. However, if you’re not sure of what kind of work culture you’re going into, you should play it safe. 

Go for neutral colors instead of bright ones. Again, this isn’t to try and smother your personal taste, but rather to avoid distracting from the interview at hand. Neutral colors are safe, classic, and look more professional.

Be Wary of Facial Hair

Although many work environments have no problem with facial hair, you might not make the best impression by going in with an extremely long and bushy beard. Research the company and get to know how conservative it is. If in doubt, go in with a fresh face instead of a bearded one. If the job is really that important to you, shaving your beard off isn’t the end of the world. You can always grow your beard back later!

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