4 Benefits of Choosing Sustainable Fashion

October 1, 2020

Did you know that the clothing industry alone contributes to 10% of the carbon emission on the planet every year? You are also indirectly contributing to the environmental depletion by choosing fast fashion over sustainable clothing. Inorganic clothing is made of nylon, polyester and other artificial materials that are produced only by harming the environment. However, sustainable fashion uses organic clothing that is made of bamboos and other biodegradable material that keeps the environment nice and safe. There are many types of organic clothing that use no chemicals and very less water in its manufacturing process. Some of the most known sustainable clothing materials are linen, hemp, silk, organic wool, bamboo etc. When one of these materials are used to manufacture clothes, the process is quite environment-friendly and helps to keep nature intact. There are many stores and brands that are now introducing these sustainable clothes to customers and encouraging them to pick the environment and not go for the fast fashion brands. Here are some advantages of choosing organic clothing over inorganic, and it will motivate you to go green when it comes to choosing fashion. It’s the choice you make that will help you save the planet and make it a better place to live in.

  1. It is Good for the Environment

When organic clothing is manufactured, there is absolutely no use of chemicals or pesticides in the making. The materials used are all environment-friendly, and no tree or animal is harmed during the process. However, when you use inorganic clothing like nylon, polyester, etc., you are actually promoting the use of chemicals in the process. The artificial clothing uses harmful chemicals and pesticides in the manufacturing, and they are disposed into the water bodies without treating them. These chemicals, when enters the water body, kill the aquatic animals and plants, thus adding more carbon traces on the planet. These harmful chemicals also end up polluting the soil that eventually affects everyone living on the planet and is extremely dangerous. You must go for the ethical T-shirts in the UK that have a very low impact on the planet earth. This is the most important advantage of choosing organic fashion, and more and more people should be aware of it.

2. It is good for your Skin

Have you wondered the rashes that appear on your skin are nothing but overuse of nylon or other inorganic material? Yes, that’s right! Wearing inorganic clothes for too long can be the root cause of your skin allergies and other irritation. And, if you regularly wear it to work or for working out, you are actually inviting skin problems. On the other hand, organic clothing uses sustainable material like cotton, bamboo etc. that is soft and is extremely skin-friendly. Most people are unaware of this contrasting difference and therefore end up making the same mistake by purchasing artificial material clothing or fast fashion products. So, the more you use organic clothing products, the healthier it is for your skin. It absorbs sweat and keeps your skin smooth and soft without harming it.

3. It Lasts Longer

Fast fashion products don’t last that long, and you end up buying new very often. This is what most brands use as a technique to trap you. They make low-quality products that are cheap for you to buy, but they don’t last that long either, thus, persuading you to buy more and more. On the other hand, when you buy sustainable clothing products, you will be able to use them for quite a long period of time, and it doesn’t require much maintenance as well. The clothes that are made of cotton or other sustainable products last for years, and they look just new each time you wear them. This helps you save your hard-earned money, and you don’t even need to keep purchasing new clothes that often. You can cherish your sustainable clothes and wear them very often.

4. It Doesn’t Employ Children

Did you know that inorganic clothing is manufactured in third world countries where children under the age of 18 are employed? Yes, it sounds terrible to just read about it, leave alone the actual sight of the factory. These children are employed in hazardous conditions, and they have no choice but to feed them and their family. They are exposed to toxic chemicals in the factory where children should not be employed. But, since they are cheap labour and easily available, they are employed in these clothing factories and the end product is exported to the rest of the world. It is ethically a wrong practice to involve innocent children to fulfil the fashion demands of the western world, and the more people are aware of it, the better. You must make it a habit to use sustainable clothing so that it protects the environment as well as the children.

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