2 Carat Black Diamond Engagement Rings

August 16, 2019

Black diamond engagement rings are rare yet distinctive beauties, ideal for couples looking for something unique and utterly beautiful. With the most suitable pairing such as with white gold, the ring can emerge as something completely enchanting. White gold holds a masculine aura and gives the black beauty a complete amazing sparkle.

Black diamond engagement rings by https://segaljewellery.com are greatest suitable for men as they are more of a masculine rock. However, before making an investment, research is recommended as black diamonds being unique have different theories attached to themselves as well. Various from traditional white diamond rings, black diamond engagement rings are sparkly, intriguing gemstones.

Black Diamonds are associated with some of the most unique and wonderful jewelry pieces in the world. They display a rare and enigmatic elegance that has become a luxurious centerpiece for both men and women. Apart from this status, Black diamond jewelry can be found in quite simply all types of jewel creations. They are extremely versatile.

This particular diamond is frequently used in dark and mysterious concepts. However, there are many other usages and trends. Black Diamonds can be part of traditional fine precious jewelry, as well as modern and stylish creations. In fact, it can even be included in engagement rings.

 Despite this tremendous versatility, Black Diamonds are exclusive and uncommon to be found in nature. As such, black diamond jewelry is considered to be quite exclusive and exceptional due to its rarity – a sort of piece that is not only expensive but also very difficult to obtain in its true essence.But what are Black Diamonds precisely? And why are they such a rare and exclusive gemstone? The answers are very simple. Black Diamonds are one of the most precious and rarest gemstones in the world and that is completely related to the availability of natural resources.

Because Black Diamonds are extremely exceptional, they are highly valuable and the prices can reach over $5,000 per carat. It is truly a luxurious gemstone and an amazing suitable choice for exclusive fine jewelry concepts. However, don’t get ill-informed. There are various types of Black Diamonds and they all can be found in fine jewelry all over the world. Segal Jewelry will help you to know about black diamonds.

Black Diamonds

Black diamonds and colorless diamonds share the same exact basic structure. By other words, they are mainly the same. However, Black Diamonds present a particular singularity; the black color is the result of the induced graphite inclusion during the diamond’s creation under the Earth’s surface.

Natural Black Diamonds present a “polycrystalline” structure, which usually creates the opaque black color with almost no reflection. Therefore, the graphite inclusion is the only aspect that completely sets itself apart Black Diamonds from any other diamond.

Different Types Of Black Diamonds

There are two types of Black Diamonds, the genuine ones found in nature and the colorless diamonds that receive heat treatments to get a fancy black color. Definitely, their rarity and value are not the same.The overall visual appearance of the two types is very similar. As such, it is really difficult to differentiate a genuine Black Diamond from a heated one. Nevertheless, the real appeal and valuation of Black Diamonds is in their true form.

Genuine Black Diamonds are quite rare and they are one of the most valuable diamonds in the world. The price ranges for this type of diamond can range between $3000 and $5000 per carat. At least 10 times more than a heat treated Black Diamond.

Just so you have an idea, Black Diamonds as mainly found in one particular continent, South America, most precisely in Brazil. At the same time, heat treated diamonds run around $300 per carat.

Black Diamonds Are Great For Fine Jewelry

Black diamonds are more than great; they are amazing for fine jewelry. They are remarkably versatile and can be used in nearly all types of concepts. Due to its rarity, Black Diamonds are frequently used on luxurious and exclusive creations.They are also often applied in dark, enigmatic, marvelous and edgy designs. In terms of materials, Black Diamonds go very well with about all metals. But yellow and rose gold are probably the most well-known materials to be used with Black Diamonds.

Black Diamonds Used As Engagement Rings

There are no genuine rules when it comes to engagement, proposal and wedding rings. So of course, you may use Black Diamonds as an engagement ring. In the end, it’s about personal preference.

If you’re madly in love with Black Diamonds, there’s not a thing stopping you from getting one into your engagement ring. After all, all diamonds regardless of color symbolize eternity, heritage, love and dedication.

Segal Jewelry Features Black Diamond Jewelry Pieces

Segal Jewelry has created several fine jewelry pieces using Black Diamonds. In fact, our store currently displays several different designs, including rings, bands, earrings, and necklaces. Check some of Segal Jewelry’s fine jewelry pieces made with Black Diamonds. We are offering 2 carat black diamond engagement rings and also different types of wedding rings.

How to Care for Your Black Diamond Jewelry

Even though diamonds are one of the hardest materials in the world, the naturally-occurring inclusions can cause your black diamonds to be a bit more fragile. Be gentle with your stone, and stay away from wearing your black diamond pieces during manual tasks, as it can chip or even fracture! To clean, either visit a professional jeweler or use a gentle, soft toothbrush and gentle soapy water for a great polish!

Black Diamond Trends Today

Over the last few years, black diamonds have become quite a collectible gemstone. One of the most popular examples is Sarah Jessica Parker’s character receiving a black diamond engagement ring from Mr. Big in the movie Sex and the City. Since then, celebrities like Angelina Jolie, Jennifer Lawrence, andCate Blanchett have all been spotted wearing these gorgeous diamonds.So, with a black diamond, you may easily create a ring that is as unique as you.

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